What do you charge for cryptocurrency password recovery?
Our standard fee is 20% of the total value of the recovered coins. For high value wallets we offer fees as low a 10%. If we cannot recover your password you owe us nothing.
How can I send you my wallet file? Can I email it to you?
We do not recommend emailing or using any type of electronic communication to send your files. Contact us and we will ship you a encrypted USB flash drive (thumb drive) with a return label included. We believe in keeping your files secure and offline, always.
How do I know you won’t simply keep all my funds when you determine the password?
We are a US based business located in Philadelphia PA. We will provide a contract for all parties to sign. We are bound by the terms of this contract under US and Pennsylvania Law.
What wallets and cryptocurrencies can you recover?
We support all the common wallets Bitcoin Core, Blockchain.com, Dogecoin Core, Electrum, MyCrypto, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet. Any of the Bitcoin-like “Core/Qt” wallets including Litecoin Core, BitcoinCash Core, etc. Our list of wallets we work on is always increasing, contact us for the latest.
Where are you located?
We are a US based business located in Philadelphia PA.