About Us

At CPU Research, we’ve been quietly working behind the scenes since 2013, driven by a simple passion for technology and a desire to help others navigate the world of cryptocurrency. It all began with our humble beginnings in building custom, multi-GPU mining rigs for both us and our customers.

As time went on, the cryptocurrency landscape evolved, and so did we. When GPU mining became less profitable and our rigs sat idle, we found a new purpose for them – after helping a few friends and family recover lost cryptocurrency passwords. It turned out that these rigs, once used for mining, were very effective at password recovery, thanks to their computational power and parallel processing capabilities.

This revelation prompted a pivotal shift in our focus.

CPU Research transitioned to offering cryptocurrency password recovery services. Our team, comprised of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the crypto space, is committed to helping individuals regain access to their digital assets in a secure and efficient manner.

One thing we take great pride in is our commitment to security. When you entrust us with your password recovery needs, you can rest assured that your sensitive files and private keys remain safe within our isolated, air-gapped network. Your security and peace of mind are our top priorities.

At CPU Research, we believe in simplicity, reliability, and integrity. Whether you’re facing a forgotten password or struggling to access your digital assets, we’re here to lend a helping hand with our expertise and support.